Carla Romanelli
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Carla Romanelli.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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Lonely Lady, The (1983)
[ Bibi Besch ] [ Pia Zadora ]
Copkiller (1983)
Guignolo, Le (1979)
Sono stato un agente C.I.A. (1978)
[ Corinne Clery ]
Erkölcsös éjszaka, Egy (1977)
Herkulesfürdöi emlék (1976)
Casanova & Co. (1976)
[ Sylva Koscina ] [ Olivia Pascal ] [ Marisa Berenson ]
Infermiera, L' (1976)
[ Luciana Paluzzi ] [ Ursula Andress ]
Napraforgó (1974)
Steppenwolf (1974)
[ Dominique Sanda ]
Figlioccio del padrino, Il (1973)
Milano rovente (1973)
Cavalla tutta nuda, Una (1972)
[ Barbara Bouchet ]
Mio nome č Shanghai Joe, Il (1972)
Inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo, col complesso della buoanima, Le (1971)
[ Anna Zinnemann ]
Lesbo (1969)
Bocche cucite (1968)
[ Rosalba Neri ]
Vedove inconsolabili in cerca di... distrazioni (1968)
Donne... botte e bersaglieri (1968)
[ Janet Agren ]
Fenomenal e il tesoro di Tutankamen (1968)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Carla Romanelli | 
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