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Dennis Franz
Birthday: 28 October 1944Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Dennis Franz. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Dennis was born Dennis Franz Schlacta in Maywood, Illinois, a
suburb of Chicago. His father was a German immigrant. His father
and mother, Eleanor, were both postal workers. He has two sisters -
Marlene, born 1938 and Heidi, Born 1935. He graduated from Southern
Illinois University and was immediately drafted into the military.
He served 11 month in Vietnam in a reconnaissance unit from which
he suffered depression for some time afterwards. In 1972, he joined
the Organic Theatre Company. Robert Altman discovered him at an
auditiona nd urged him to come to Los Angeles where he became part
of Altman's resident company. He married the former Joanie Zeck in
1982 and has aided her in raising her two daughters, Krista (born
1976) and Tricia (born 1974).
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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America: A Tribute to Heroes (Made for TV)(2001)
[ Johnny Rzeznik ] [ Tom Hanks ] [ Jack Nicholson ] [ Jim Carrey ] [ Al Pacino ] [ Chris Rock ] [ Enrique Iglesias ] [ Kurt Russell ] [ George Clooney ] [ Andy Garcia ] [ Fred Durst ] [ Sylvester Stallone ] [ Ben Stiller ] [ Mick Jagger ] [ Jimmy Smits ] [ Mike Myers ] [ Mark Wahlberg ] [ Brad Pitt ] [ Tom Cruise ] [ Adam Sandler ] [ James Woods ] [ Robin Williams ] [ Will Smith ] [ Clint Eastwood ]
51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, The (Made for TV)(1999)
[ Benjamin Bratt ] [ Rick Schroder ] [ Matt Leblanc ] [ Noah Wyle ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Charlie Sheen ] [ James Gandolfini ] [ Matthew Perry ] [ John Lithgow ] [ Bill Maher ] [ Joshua Jackson ] [ Gil Bellows ] [ Jimmy Smits ] [ Tim Allen ] [ David Schwimmer ] [ David Duchovny ] [ David Boreanaz ] [ John Leguizamo ] [ Thomas Calabro ]
City of Angels(1998)
[ Nicolas Cage ]
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The Face-Off(1997)
[ Ian Ziering ] [ James Belushi ]
American Buffalo(1996)
[ Dustin Hoffman ]
Texas Justice (Made for TV)(1995)
[ Chris Mulkey ]
Moment of Truth: Caught in the Crossfire (Made for TV)(1994)
In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion (Made for TV)(1992)
[ William H Macy ]
Player, The(1992)
[ Jack Lemmon ] [ Bruce Willis ] [ Nick Nolte ] [ Peter Gallagher ] [ Burt Reynolds ] [ Jeremy Piven ] [ Brad Davis ] [ Jeff Goldblum ] [ Patrick Swayze ] [ Harry Belafonte ] [ Robert Carradine ] [ Elliott Gould ] [ Tim Robbins ] [ Malcolm McDowell ]
N.Y.P.D. Mounted (Made for TV)(1991)
[ Dan Gauthier ] [ John Leguizamo ]
Nasty Boys, Part 2: Lone Justice (Made for TV)(1990)
Die Hard 2(1990)
[ Bruce Willis ] [ Franco Nero ] [ John Leguizamo ] [ Robert Patrick ]
Package, The(1989)
[ Tommy Lee Jones ] [ Gene Hackman ] [ John Heard ]
Kiss Shot (Made for TV)(1989)
Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius (Made for TV)(1987)
[ Colin Firth ]
Fine Mess, A(1986)
[ James Cromwell ]
Deadly Messages (Made for TV)(1985)
Body Double(1984)
[ Craig Wasson ] [ Gregg Henry ]
Psycho II(1983)
[ Anthony Perkins ]
Blow Out(1981)
[ John Lithgow ] [ John Travolta ]
Chicago Story (Made for TV)(1981)
[ Craig T Nelson ] [ James Russo ] [ Vincent Baggetta ]
Dressed to Kill(1980)
[ Robin Williams ]
Perfect Couple, A(1979)
Fury, The(1978)
[ Andrew Stevens ] [ James Belushi ]
Wedding, A(1978)
Stony Island(1978)
Remember My Name(1978)
[ Jeff Goldblum ] [ Anthony Perkins ]
Bleacher Bums (Made for TV)(1978)
[ Hal Sparks ]
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