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Gil Gerard
Birthday: 23 January 1943Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Gil Gerard. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Gil Gerard was born on January 23, 1943 in Little Rock, Arkansas,
USA and did a good deal of acting in high school. He attended the
University of Arkansas but drooped out before graduation. He landed
a job as an industrial chemist. He became regional manager of a
large chemical company headed by governor Wynn Rockefeller in a few
years. His employers said they would name him the firm's vice
president if he went for his master's degree so he quit rather than
tell everyone that he didn't have a college diploma. He went to New
York where he studied drama by day and drove a cab at night. Gil
Gerard picked up a fare who showed a lively interest in the
problems of unknown, unemployed actors. Before he left the cab, he
told Gil to report in a few days to the set of "Love Story," which
was being filmed on location in New York. When Gil Gerard arrived
on the "Love Story" set, he was hired as an extra. Later that day,
he was singled out for a "bit" role, which eventually wound up on
the cutting room floor, but he now had his first professional
credit. During the next few years, he did most of his acting in
televison commercials, some four hundred of them, including a stint
as spokesman for the Ford Motor Company. Then came a leading role
in the daytime TV series, "The Doctors." He formed his own
production company in partnership with a writer-producer,
co-authored a screenplay called "Hooch" and filmed it as a starring
vehicle for himself. With "Hooch" completed, he was summoned to
California to co-star with Yvette Mimieuxk in "The Ransom of Alice"
and to play Lee Grant's youthful lover in Universal's "Airport
'77." A guest shot in "Little House on the Prairie" impressed
producer-star Michael Landon who cast him in the leading role in an
ambitious TV movie of the week, "Killing Stone." He signed to play
Captain Buck Rogers in the televison series, "Buck Rogers in the
25th Century."
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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