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Ian McKellen
Birthday: 25 May 1939Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Ian McKellen. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Born May 25th, 1939, in the small town of Burnley in northern
England, Ian Murray McKellen was born. His parents, Denis and
Margery, soon moved with Ian and his sister Jean to the coal mining
town of Wigan. It was in this small town that young Ian would ride
out World War II. He soon developed a fascination with acting and
the theater, which was encouraged by his parents. They would all
bring him to plays, those by William Shakespeare in particular. The
amateur school productions fostered Ian's growing passion for
theatre. When Ian was of age to begin attending school, he made
sure to get roles in all of the productions. At Bolton School in
particular, he developed his skills early on. Indeed, his first
role in a Shakespearian play was at Bolton, as Malvolio in Twelfth
Night. Ian soon began attending Stratford-upon-Avon theater
festivals, where he saw the greats perform: Olivier, Hiller,
Gielgud,Richardson and Robeson. He continued his education in
English Drama, but soon it fell by the wayside as he concentrated
more and more on performing. He eventually obtained his Bachelor of
Arts in 1961, and began his career in earnest. McKellen began
working in theatre over the next few years. Very few people knew of
Ian's homosexuality; he saw no reason to go public, nor had he told
his family. They did not seem interested in the subject and so he
saw no reason to bring it up. In 1988, Ian publicly came out of the
closet on the BBC Radio 4 program, while discussing Margaret
Thatcher's "section 28" legislation which would make the "public
promotion of homosexuality" a crime. It was reason enough for
McKellen to take a stand, and he has been active in the Gay Rights
movement ever since. Ian currently resides in Limehouse, where he
lives with his current lover of 8 years, Sean Mathias. The two
worked together on the film Bent. To this day, McKellen works
mostly in theater, and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1990 for
his efforts in the arts. However, he has managed to make several
quite successful forays into film. He has appeared in several
productions of Shakespeare's works including His well recieved
"Richard III", and in a variety of other movies. However it has
only been recently that his star has finally begun to shine in the
eyes of North American audiences. Roles in various films,"Cold
Comfort Farm" "Apt Pupil" and "Gods and Monsters", riveted
audiences. The latter in particular created a sensation in
Hollywood, and McKellen's role garnered him several of awards and
nominations,including a Golden Globe and an Oscar Nod. McKellen
Continues to work extensively on stage...solidifying his role as
Laurence Olivier's worthy successor,having recently scored hits in
the London productions of Peter Pan and Noel Coward's "Present
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
[ Hugh Jackman ] [ Patrick Stewart ] [ James Marsden ]
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The(2003)
[ Brad Dourif ] [ Sean Astin ] [ Bernard Hill ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Viggo Mortensen ]
Making of 'The Lord of the Rings', The(2002)
[ Hugo Weaving ] [ Sean Astin ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Viggo Mortensen ] [ Sean Bean ]
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The(2002)
[ Brad Dourif ] [ Sean Astin ] [ Bernard Hill ] [ Viggo Mortensen ]
Quest for the Ring (Made for TV)(2001)
[ Hugo Weaving ] [ Sean Astin ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Viggo Mortensen ] [ Sean Bean ]
Passage to Middle-earth: Making of Lord of the Rings, A (Made for TV)(2001)
[ Viggo Mortensen ] [ Sean Bean ]
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The(2001)
[ Hugo Weaving ] [ Sean Astin ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Viggo Mortensen ] [ Sean Bean ]
Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man(2000)
[ Hugh Jackman ] [ Bruce Davison ] [ Patrick Stewart ] [ James Marsden ]
David Copperfield (Made for TV)(1999)
[ Bob Hoskins ] [ Anthony Andrews ]
Gods and Monsters(1998)
[ David Dukes ] [ Brendan Fraser ] [ David Millbern ] [ Jack Plotnick ]
Apt Pupil(1998)
[ Bruce Davison ] [ Joshua Jackson ] [ David Schwimmer ]
Bit of Scarlet, A(1997)
Swept from the Sea(1997)
[ Willie Ross ] [ Tom Bell ] [ Vincent Perez ]
[ Lothaire Bluteau ] [ Rupert Graves ] [ Clive Owen ] [ Jude Law ] [ Mick Jagger ]
Rasputin (Made for TV)(1996)
[ James Frain ]
Richard III(1995)
[ Dominic West ] [ Adrian Dunbar ]
Thin Ice(1995)
Jack and Sarah(1995)
Cold Comfort Farm (Made for TV)(1995)
[ David Thewlis ] [ Hugh Grant ] [ Willie Ross ] [ Sam Neill ]
Shadow, The(1994)
[ Andre Gregory ] [ Alec Baldwin ]
I'll Do Anything(1994)
[ Jake Busey ] [ Nick Nolte ] [ Albert Brooks ] [ Woody Harrelson ]
To Die for(1994)
[ George Segal ] [ Steve Bond ] [ Matt Dillon ] [ Dan Hedaya ]
Six Degrees of Separation(1993)
[ Bruce Davison ] [ Donald Sutherland ] [ Eric Thal ] [ Lou Milione ] [ Will Smith ]
And the Band Played On (Made for TV)(1993)
[ David Dukes ] [ Matthew Modine ] [ Lawrence Monoson ] [ Richard Gere ]
Last Action Hero(1993)
[ Chevy Chase ] [ Anthony Quinn ] [ James Belushi ] [ Robert Patrick ] [ Charles Dance ] [ Arnold Schwarzenegger ]
Ballad of Little Jo, The(1993)
Countdown to War (Made for TV)(1989)
Windmills of the Gods (Made for TV)(1988)
[ Franco Nero ]
Walter and June(1986)
[ Sam Neill ] [ Charles Dance ]
Keep, The(1983)
[ Gabriel Byrne ]
Scarlet Pimpernel, The (Made for TV)(1982)
[ Anthony Andrews ]
Dying Day (Made for TV)(1982)
[ Patrick Malahide ]
Priest of Love(1981)
[ Graham Faulkner ] [ Jorge Rivero ] [ Andrea Occhipinti ]
Macbeth (Made for TV)(1979)
[ Christopher Fulford ]
Recruiting Officer, The (Made for TV)(1973)
Hedda Gabler (Made for TV)(1972)
[ Tom Bell ]
Hamlet (Made for TV)(1972)
[ Vincent Perez ]
Ross (Made for TV)(1970)
Keats (Made for TV)(1970)
Tragedy of King Richard II, The (Made for TV)(1970)
Edward II (Made for TV)(1970)
Touch of Love, A(1969)
Alfred the Great(1969)
Promise, The(1968)
Hay Fever (Made for TV)(1968)
Trial and Torture of, The (Made for TV)(1965)
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