Jennifer Runyon
Birthday: 1 April 1960Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Jennifer Runyon.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Carnosaur (1993)
Till Death Us Do Part (Made for TV) (1992)
[ Leilani Sarelle ] [ Ashley Judd ]
Tag Team (Made for TV) (1991)
[ Shannon Tweed ]
Killing Streets (1991)
Man Called Sarge, A (1990)
Quantum Leap: Genesis (Made for TV) (1989)
Very Brady Christmas, A (Made for TV) (1988)
[ Florence Henderson ] [ Eve Plumb ]
18 Again! (1988)
[ Anita Morris ]
In Crowd, The (1988)
[ Wendy Gazelle ]
Highwayman, The (Made for TV) (1987)
[ Claudia Christian ] [ Theresa Saldana ]
Lot swierkowej gesi (1987)
[ Karen Black ]
Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story (Made for TV) (1986)
Pros & Cons (Made for TV) (1986)
Blue de Ville (Made for TV) (1986)
Falcon and the Snowman, The (1984)
[ Valerie Wildman ] [ Lori Singer ]
Up the Creek (1984)
[ Lori Sutton ] [ Peggy Trentini ]
Ghostbusters (1984)
[ Annie Potts ] [ Sigourney Weaver ]
Making of 'Up the Creek', The (Made for TV) (1984)
To All a Good Night (1980)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Jennifer Runyon | 
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