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Marco Leonardi
Birthday: 14 November 1971Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Marco Leonardi. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Once Upon a Time in Mexico(2002)
[ Willem Dafoe ] [ Enrique Iglesias ] [ Antonio Banderas ] [ Mickey Rourke ] [ Johnny Depp ]
Texas Rangers(2001)
[ Oded Fehr ] [ Ashton Kutcher ] [ Vincent Spano ] [ Robert Patrick ] [ David Millbern ] [ Matt Keeslar ]
Cavalieri che fecero l'impresa, I(2001)
[ Raoul Bova ]
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter(2000)
Five Senses, The(1999)
My Brother Jack(1997)
David (Made for TV)(1997)
[ Franco Nero ] [ Freddy Douglas ] [ Leonard Nimoy ] [ Ben Daniels ] [ Nathaniel Parker ]
Vacanza all'inferno, Una(1997)
Sindrome di Stendhal, La(1996)
Manhattan Merengue!(1996)
Frontiera, La(1996)
[ Raoul Bova ]
[ Ben Gazzara ]
Im Sog des Bösen(1995)
[ Danny Nucci ]
Viva San Isidro(1995)
Buttane, Le(1994)
Ribelle, La(1993)
Villa Maltraversi (Made for TV)(1993)
Ferdinando, uomo d'amore(1992)
Como agua para chocolate(1992)
Dimenticare Palermo(1990)
[ James Belushi ]
Ciao ma'(1988)
Nuovo cinema Paradiso(1988)
Ultimo minuto(1987)
Coraggio di parlare, Il(1987)
Sposa era bellissima, La(1986)
100 Hot DVDs
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Naked Photos of Marco Leonardi are available at
They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles,
and Movie Reviews of famous stars. | |
Celebs Who
have been seen in movies with Marco Leonardi