Maria Schneider
Birthday: 27 March 1952Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Maria Schneider.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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Repentie, La (2002)
[ Isabelle Adjani ]
Acteurs, Les (2000)
[ Dominique Blanc ]
Angelo nero (Made for TV) (1998)
[ Hanna Schygulla ] [ Simona Cavallari ]
Something to Believe In (1998)
[ Kari Whitman ]
Cuore e la spada, Il (Made for TV) (1998)
[ Mandala Tayde ]
Jane Eyre (1996)
[ Geraldine Chaplin ] [ Anna Paquin ] [ Elizabeth Taylor ] [ Charlotte Gainsbourg ] [ Joan Fontaine ] [ Fiona Shaw ]
Contrôle d'identité (Made for TV) (1993)
[ Karine Nuris ]
Au pays des Juliets (1992)
[ Claire Nebout ]
Nuits fauves, Les (1992)
[ Romane Bohringer ] [ Marine Delterme ]
Écrans de sable (1992)
[ Sandrine Dumas ]
Bunker Palace Hôtel (1989)
[ Mira Furlan ] [ Carole Bouquet ]
Résidence surveillée (1987)
Princess and the Photographer (1986)
Song for Europe, A (Made for TV) (1985)
Merry-Go-Round (1983)
Balles perdues (1982)
Cercasi Gesù (1982)
[ Alexandra Stewart ]
Sezona mira u Parizu (1981)
Mamma Dracula (1980)
[ Louise Fletcher ]
Weiße Reise (1980)
Haine (1979)
[ Katia Tchenko ] [ Evelyne Bouix ]
Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo (1979)
[ Marlene Dietrich ] [ Sydne Rome ] [ Kim Novak ]
Vrouw als Eva, Een (1979)
Dérobade, La (1979)
[ Isabelle Mergault ]
Io sono mia (1978)
[ Stefania Sandrelli ]
Sois belle et tais-toi (1977)
[ Jane Fonda ] [ Marie Dubois ] [ Jenny Agutter ]
Violanta (1977)
Voyage au jardin des morts (1976)
Jeune fille libre le soir (1975)
[ Sydne Rome ]
Professione: reporter (1975)
[ Jenny Runacre ]
Reigen (1973)
[ Senta Berger ] [ Sydne Rome ]
Cari genitori (1972)
[ Florinda Bolkan ] [ Flower ]
Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972)
What a Flash (1972)
[ Bernadette Lafont ]
Hellé (1971)
Vieille fille, La (1971)
[ Annie Girardot ] [ Marthe Keller ]
Femmes, Les (1969)
[ Brigitte Bardot ]
Arbre de Noël, L' (1969)
Madly (1969)
[ Mireille Darc ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Maria Schneider | 
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