Marsha Fitzalan
Birthday: 10 March 1953Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Marsha Fitzalan.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Take a Girl Like You (Made for TV) (2000)
Lost Son, The (1999)
[ Nastassja Kinski ] [ Marianne Denicourt ]
Ideal Husband, An (1999)
[ Tamara Beckwith ] [ Minnie Driver ] [ Lindsay Duncan ] [ Sadie Frost ]
White Goods (Made for TV) (1994)
[ Rachel Weisz ]
Secret Life of Ian Fleming, The (Made for TV) (1990)
[ Fiona Fullerton ] [ Patricia Hodge ] [ Arkie Whiteley ]
Goldeneye: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming (Made for TV) (1989)
[ Lynsey Baxter ] [ Phyllis Logan ]
Handful of Dust, A (1988)
[ Judi Dench ] [ Beatie Edney ] [ Cathryn Harrison ]
Anna Karenina (Made for TV) (1985)
[ Claire Bloom ]
Comedy of Errors, The (Made for TV) (1983)
[ Diana Rigg ] [ Ingrid Pitt ]
Nelly's Version (Made for TV) (1983)
International Velvet (1978)
[ Emma Forbes ] [ Tatum O'Neal ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Marsha Fitzalan | 
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