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Birthday: 3 January 1956
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Mel Gibson. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
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Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson was born on January 3, 1956, in
Peekskill, NY, USA as the sixth of eleven children to parents
Hutton Gibson, a railroad brakeman, and Ann Gibson, who was born in
Australia and died in December of 1990. Though born in the US, Mel
and his family moved to South Wales, Australia after his father won
as a _"Jeopardy!" (1964)_ (qv) contestant, in part because he
wanted to avoid having his sons drafted in the Vietnam War. After
high school Mel studied at the University of New South Wales in
Sydney, performing at the National Institute of Dramatic Arts
alongside future film thespians 'Judy Davis' (qv) and 'Geoffrey
Rush' (qv). After college, Mel had a few stints on stage and
starred in a few TV shows. Eventually, he was chosen to star in
_Mad Max (1979)_ (qv) and in a movie called _Tim (1979)_ (qv)
costarring 'Piper Laurie' (qv). The small budgeted movie _Mad Max
(1979)_ (qv) made him known worldwide, while _Tim (1979)_ (qv)
garnered him an award for Best Actor from the Australian Film
Institute (equivalent to the Oscar). Later he would go on to star
in _Gallipoli (1981)_ (qv), which would earn him a second award for
Best Actor from the AFI. In 1980 he married 'Robyn Moore' (qv) and
as of today are still together and have seven children. In 1984,
Mel made his American debut in _Bounty, The (1984)_ (qv), which
costarred 'Anthony Hopkins' (qv). Then in 1987, Mel starred in what
would become his signature series - _Lethal Weapon (1987)_ (qv), in
which he played Martin Riggs. In 1990, he took on the interesting
starring role in _Hamlet (1990)_ (qv), which garnered him some
critical praise. He also made the more endearing _Forever Young
(1992)_ (qv), and the somewhat disturbing _Man Without a Face, The
(1993)_ (qv). 1995 brought his most famous role as Sir William
Wallace in _Braveheart (1995)_ (qv), for which he won two Oscars
for Best Picture and Best Director. From there, he made such box
office hits as _Patriot, The (2000)_ (qv), _Ransom (1996)_ (qv),
and _Payback (1999)_ (qv). Today Mel remains an international
superstar mogul, continuously topping the Hollywood power lists as
well as the Most Beautiful and Sexiest lists. His $25 million
paycheck for _Patriot, The (2000)_ (qv) is the latest milestone for
actor's salaries.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
We Were Soldiers(2002)
[ Greg Kinnear ] [ Dylan Walsh ] [ Clark Gregg ]
Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood(2001)
[ Robert Culp ] [ Yul Brynner ] [ Eddie Fisher ] [ Rock Hudson ]
Breaking the News (Made for TV)(2001)
Million Dollar Hotel, The(2000)
[ Jeremy Davies ] [ Jimmy Smits ] [ Harris Yulin ] [ Julian Sands ]
Patriot, The(2000)
[ Gregg Henry ] [ Adam Baldwin ] [ Heath Ledger ]
Chicken Run(2000)
Wallace and Gromit Go Chicken (Made for TV)(2000)
What Women Want(2000)
Forever Hollywood(1999)
[ Jack Lemmon ] [ John Waters ] [ Charlton Heston ] [ Robert Redford ] [ Edward Norton ] [ Warren Beatty ] [ Jeff Bridges ] [ John Travolta ] [ Clint Eastwood ]
[ Kris Kristofferson ] [ Michael Ironside ] [ Gregg Henry ] [ Corey Michael Eubanks ]
Lethal Weapon 4(1998)
[ Al Sapienza ] [ Chris Rock ]
Conspiracy Theory(1997)
[ Dean Winters ] [ Patrick Stewart ]
FairyTale: A True Story(1997)
[ Bill Nighy ] [ Paul McGann ] [ Harvey Keitel ] [ Willie Ross ] [ Anthony Calf ] [ Peter O'Toole ]
Fathers' Day(1997)
[ Robin Williams ] [ Billy Crystal ]
[ Sean Connery ] [ Oliver Reed ] [ Gary Sinise ] [ Dan Hedaya ]
[ Christian Bale ]
[ Angus MacFadyen ] [ Brian Cox ]
[ Eric Idle ] [ Devon Sawa ] [ Bill Pullman ] [ Clint Eastwood ]
[ James Garner ] [ Clint Black ] [ Corey Feldman ] [ Doug McClure ] [ Dan Hedaya ]
Man Without a Face, The(1993)
1993 MTV Movie Awards (Made for TV)(1993)
[ Denzel Washington ] [ Wesley Snipes ] [ Jon Lovitz ] [ Rod Stewart ] [ Christian Slater ] [ Anthony Kiedis ] [ Keanu Reeves ] [ Arnold Schwarzenegger ] [ Eddie Murphy ]
Chili Con Carne Club, The(1993)
Forever Young(1992)
Lethal Weapon 3(1992)
Mel Gibson's Video Diary 2: Lethal Weapon 3 (Made for TV)(1991)
Air America(1990)
Frank Sinatra: The Best Is Yet to Come (Made for TV)(1990)
[ Roger Moore ] [ Bruce Willis ] [ Tom Selleck ]
Bird on a Wire(1990)
[ David Carradine ]
[ Jack Lemmon ] [ Ian McElhinney ] [ Ian Holm ] [ Alan Bates ] [ Charlton Heston ] [ Donald Sutherland ] [ Campbell Scott ] [ Christien Anholt ] [ John Benjamin Hickey ] [ Kevin Kline ] [ Derek Jacobi ] [ Richard Chamberlain ] [ Kyle MacLachlan ] [ Nathaniel Parker ] [ Robin Williams ] [ Anthony Hopkins ] [ Billy Crystal ] [ Ethan Hawke ]
Lethal Weapon 2(1989)
Tequila Sunrise(1988)
[ Kurt Russell ]
Ultimate Stuntman: A Tribute to Dar Robinson, The (Made for TV)(1987)
[ Chuck Norris ] [ Burt Reynolds ] [ Timothy Hutton ] [ Sylvester Stallone ] [ Dustin Hoffman ] [ Chumbawamba ] [ Clint Eastwood ]
Lethal Weapon(1987)
[ Gilles Kohler ]
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome(1985)
Making of 'The Bounty', The (Made for TV)(1984)
[ Edward Fox ] [ Anthony Hopkins ]
Bounty, The(1984)
[ Edward Fox ] [ Bernard Hill ] [ Liam Neeson ] [ Dexter Fletcher ] [ Anthony Hopkins ]
River, The(1984)
Making of 'Mrs. Soffel', The (Made for TV)(1984)
[ Matthew Modine ]
Mrs. Soffel(1984)
[ Matthew Modine ] [ Terry O'Quinn ]
Attack Force Z(1982)
[ Sam Neill ]
Year of Living Dangerously, The(1982)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981)
Chain Reaction, The(1980)
[ Steve Bisley ]
Mad Max(1979)
[ Steve Bisley ]
Summer City(1977)
[ Steve Bisley ]
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