Ottavia Piccolo
Birthday: 9 October 1949Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Ottavia Piccolo.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Anche il sole tramonta dietro le quinte (2001)
Karaoke (1999)
Deux mamans pour Noël (Made for TV) (1997)
Colline aux mille enfants, La (Made for TV) (1996)
Bidoni (1995)
Prezzo della vita, Il (Made for TV) (1993)
[ Simona Cavallari ]
Ciel pour témoin, Le (Made for TV) (1993)
Lungo silenzio, Il (1993)
Condominio (1991)
...Se non avessi l'amore (Made for TV) (1991)
Barocco (1991)
[ Eliana Miglio ] [ Cristina Marsillach ]
Barroco (1990)
[ Isabelle Adjani ] [ Cristina Marsillach ]
Coscienza di Zeno, La (Made for TV) (1988)
[ Eleonora Brigliadori ]
Da grande (1987)
Famiglia, La (1987)
[ Jo Champa ] [ Stefania Sandrelli ] [ Fanny Ardant ]
Biondina, La (Made for TV) (1981)
Certosa di Parma, La (Made for TV) (1977)
[ Marthe Keller ]
Mado (1976)
[ Nathalie Baye ] [ Romy Schneider ]
Zorro (1974)
[ Adriana Asti ]
Histoire très bonne et très joyeuse de Colinot Trousse-Chemise, L' (1973)
[ Bernadette Lafont ] [ Brigitte Bardot ] [ Nathalie Delon ]
Antoine et Sébastien (1973)
[ Marie Dubois ]
Vita di Leonardo Da Vinci, La (Made for TV) (1972)
Cosa buffa, La (1972)
Uccidere in silenzio (1972)
[ Sylva Koscina ]
Un aller simple (1971)
[ Barbara Schulz ] [ Paola Pitagora ]
Anguilla da trecento milioni, Un' (1971)
[ Senta Berger ]
Veuve Couderc, La (1971)
Bubu (1971)
Trastevere (1971)
[ Rosanna Schiaffino ]
Metello (1970)
[ Tina Aumont ]
12 + 1 (1970)
[ Sharon Tate ]
Serafino (1968)
Faustina (1968)
Madamigella di Maupin (1966)
Gattopardo, Il (1963)
[ Claudia Cardinale ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Ottavia Piccolo | 
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