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Sylvia Haider
Birthday: 12 February 1959

Below is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Sylvia Haider. If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com. We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have.



Movie Credits
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Wir bleiben zusammen (Made for TV) (2001)
Bride of the Wind (2001)
Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten (Made for TV) (2001)
Sonja Kirchberger ] [ Susanne Bormann ] 
Zwei Dickköpfe mit Format (Made for TV) (2000)
Sommernachtstod (Made for TV) (2000)
Sonja Kirchberger ] [ Doris Kunstmann ] 
Thrill - Spiel um dein Leben (Made for TV) (2000)
Entführung, Die (Made for TV) (1999)
Birgit Doll ] [ Muriel Baumeister ] 
T.E.A.M. Berlin - Der Kreuzzug (Made for TV) (1999)
Doppelter Einsatz - Evas Tod (Made for TV) (1998)
Despina Pajanou ] 
Ich bin kein Mann für eine Frau (Made for TV) (1998)
Esther Schweins ] [ Gerit Kling ] 
Nina - Vom Kinderzimmer ins Bordell (Made for TV) (1997)
Doppelter Einsatz - Der Mörder mit der Maske (Made for TV) (1997)
Despina Pajanou ] [ Beate Finckh ] 
Doppelter Einsatz - Mißbraucht (Made for TV) (1997)
Despina Pajanou ] 
Doppelter Einsatz - Narkose ins Jenseits (Made for TV) (1997)
Männer vom K3 - Blutsverwandtschaft, Die (Made for TV) (1997)
Tatort - Kolportage (Made for TV) (1996)
Tatort - Ostwärts (Made for TV) (1994)
Kleine und der alte Mann, Der (1993)
Tatort - Stahlwalzer (Made for TV) (1993)
Tatort - Kinderspiel (Made for TV) (1992)
Zerbrochene Brücken (Made for TV) (1986)
Junge Freud, Der (Made for TV) (1976)
Totstellen (Made for TV) (1975)

Amazon.com 100 Hot DVDs Click here to buy movie posters!
Click here to buy movie posters! Naked Photos of Sylvia Haider are available at FemaleStars.com. They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Male Co-Stars
Who have been seen in movies with Sylvia Haider

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