Valentine Demy
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Valentine Demy.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Puttana dello spazio, La (1998)
Nirvanal Project (1998)
[ Cristina Giani ] [ Deborah Wells ]
Sequestro - Sindrome di Stoccolma, Il (1997)
Francesca: Sinfonia anale (1997)
Erotic Adventures of Zorro, The (1996)
Occasioni di una signora per bene, Le (1993)
Valentina Valentina (1992)
Lolita Forever (1991)
[ Petra Scharbach ]
Malizia oggi (1990)
Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1990)
[ Cristina Rinaldi ]
Sapore di donna (1990)
Sofà, Il (1990)
Abatjour 2 (1989)
Paprika (1989)
[ Nina Soldano ]
Casa di piacere (1989)
Rose Bluelight (1989)
Guendalina (1989)
[ Luana Borgia ] [ Sylva Koscina ]
Io Gilda (1989)
[ Pamela Prati ]
Intimo (1988)
[ Eva Grimaldi ]
Intrigo d'amore (1988)
[ Milly D'Abbraccio ]
Amore sporco (1988)
[ Laura Gemser ]
Pathos - segreta inquietudine (1988)
[ Eva Grimaldi ] [ Virginia Hey ]
Femmine (1988)
[ Baby Pozzi ]
Snack Bar Budapest (1988)
[ Raffaella Baracchi ] [ Loredana Romito ]
Pomeriggio caldo (1987)
[ Laura Gemser ]
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