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Vincent Cassel
Birthday: 23 November 1966Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Vincent Cassel. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Adventurer, The(2002)
[ Mark Dacascos ]
[ Michael Madsen ]
Sin Eater, The(2002)
[ Heath Ledger ]
[ John Lithgow ] [ Mike Myers ] [ Eddie Murphy ]
Birthday Girl(2001)
[ Alexander Armstrong ]
Sur mes lèvres(2001)
Morality Play(2001)
[ Willem Dafoe ] [ Brian Cox ] [ Ewen Bremner ]
Pacte des loups, Le(2001)
[ Mark Dacascos ]
Rivières pourpres, Les(2000)
Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, The(1999)
[ John Malkovich ] [ Dustin Hoffman ]
Guest House Paradiso(1999)
[ Bill Nighy ]
[ Eric Cantona ] [ Christopher Eccleston ] [ Joseph Fiennes ] [ Geoffrey Rush ] [ James Frain ] [ Matthew Rhys ]
Plaisir (1998) (et ses petits tracas), Le(1998)
[ Michele Placido ]
[ Antoine Basler ]
Élève, L'(1996)
Appartement, L'(1996)
Come mi vuoi(1996)
[ Francesco Casale ]
Blood of the Hunter(1995)
[ Michael Biehn ]
Adultère (1995) (mode d'emploi)(1995)
Haine, La(1995)
Jefferson in Paris(1995)
[ Nick Nolte ] [ Simon Callow ] [ James Earl Jones ]
Ainsi soient-elles(1995)
[ Antoine Basler ]
Elle voulait faire quelque chose(1994)
3000 scénarios contre un virus(1994)
Hot Chocolate(1992)
Clés du paradis, Les(1991)
Cigognes n'en font qu'à leur tête, Les(1989)
[ Christian Clavier ]
100 Hot DVDs
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They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles,
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Celebs Who
have been seen in movies with Vincent Cassel