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Yvan Attal
Birthday: 4 January 1965Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies he's appeared in) for Yvan Attal. If
you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
And Now Ladies and Gentlemen(2002)
[ Jeremy Irons ]
Ma femme est une actrice(2001)
Prof, Le(2000)
Criminal, The(2000)
[ Bernard Hill ] [ Tom Bell ]
Mes amis(1999)
[ Alain Chabat ]
With or Without You(1999)
[ Christopher Eccleston ]
Cantique de la racaille(1998)
Saraka bô(1997)
I Got a Woman(1997)
Delphine 1, Yvan 0(1996)
[ Alain Chabat ]
Love, etc.(1996)
Portraits chinois(1996)
Patriotes, Les(1994)
Après l'amour(1992)
[ Bernard Giraudeau ]
Mauvaise fille(1990)
Aux yeux du monde(1990)
Un monde sans pitié(1989)
100 Hot DVDs
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Naked Photos of Yvan Attal are available at
They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles,
and Movie Reviews of famous stars. | |
Celebs Who
have been seen in movies with Yvan Attal