Claudia Pandolfi
Birthday: 17 November 1974Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Claudia Pandolfi.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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Piccolo mondo antico (Made for TV) (2001)
Fate un bel sorriso (2000)
Conte di Melissa, Il (2000)
Farfalla nel cuore, Una (Made for TV) (1999)
Milonga (1999)
[ Yvonne Sciņ ] [ Vanessa Gravina ]
Naja (1997)
Ovosodo (1997)
Auguri professore (1997)
Frontiera, La (1996)
Voce del cuore, La (Made for TV) (1995)
[ Marion Kracht ] [ Mara Venier ] [ Agostina Belli ]
Ketchup (1995)
Ultimo concerto, L' (1995)
Ours en peluche, L' (1994)
[ Francesca Dellera ]
Caso Redoli, Il (Made for TV) (1993)
Amiche del cuore, Le (1992)
[ Asia Argento ] [ Simonetta Stefanelli ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Claudia Pandolfi | 
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