Deborah Kerr
Birthday: 30 September 1921Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Deborah Kerr.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
'Deborah Kerr' (qv) was born on 30 September 1921 in Helensburgh,
Scotland, the daughter of Captain Arthur Kerr-Trimmer. She was
educated at Northumberland House, Clifton, Bristol. She first
performed at the Open Air Theatre in Regents Park, London. She
subsequently performed with the Oxford Repertory Company 1939-40.
Her first appearance on the West End stage was as Ellie Dunn in
Heartbreak House at the Cambridge Theatre in 1943. She performed in
France, Belgium and Holland with ENSA (Every Night Something Awful)
- The British Army entertainment service. She has appeared in many
films from her first appearance in _Major Barbara (1941)_ (qv).
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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L.A. Confidential (1997)
[ Jane Russell ] [ Brenda Bakke ] [ Kim Basinger ] [ Marilyn Monroe ] [ Sandra Taylor ]
Cary Grant: A Celebration of a Leading Man (Made for TV) (1988)
[ Leslie Caron ]
Hold the Dream (Made for TV) (1986)
[ Fiona Fullerton ] [ Claire Bloom ] [ Jenny Seagrove ]
Assam Garden, The (1985)
Reunion at Fairborough (Made for TV) (1985)
Witness for the Prosecution (Made for TV) (1982)
[ Diana Rigg ]
Song at Twilight, A (Made for TV) (1973)
Costa del Sol malagueña (1972)
[ Grace Kelly ]
Arrangement, The (1969)
[ Lori Petty ] [ Dominique Troyes ] [ Patricia Charbonneau ] [ Faye Dunaway ]
Gypsy Moths, The (1969)
[ Bonnie Bedelia ] [ Sheree North ]
Prudence and the Pill (1968)
[ Judy Geeson ]
Casino Royale (1967)
[ Angela Scoular ] [ Ursula Andress ] [ Joanna Pettet ] [ Daliah Lavi ] [ Barbara Bouchet ] [ Caroline Munro ]
Eye of the Devil (1967)
[ Sharon Tate ]
Marriage on the Rocks (1965)
[ Nancy Sinatra ] [ Joi Lansing ]
Chalk Garden, The (1964)
Night of the Iguana, The (1964)
[ Sue Lyon ]
On the Trail of the Iguana (1964)
[ Sue Lyon ] [ Elizabeth Taylor ]
Innocents, The (1961)
[ Pamela Franklin ]
Naked Edge, The (1961)
[ Diane Cilento ]
Grass Is Greener, The (1960)
[ Jean Simmons ]
Sundowners, The (1960)
Count Your Blessings (1959)
Journey, The (1959)
[ Senta Berger ]
Beloved Infidel (1959)
Bonjour tristesse (1958)
[ Sarah Bertrand ]
Separate Tables (1958)
[ Rita Hayworth ]
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)
Kiss Them for Me (1957)
[ Jayne Mansfield ]
Affair to Remember, An (1957)
Tea and Sympathy (1956)
King and I, The (1956)
[ Miranda Richardson ]
Proud and Profane, The (1956)
End of the Affair, The (1955)
Dream Wife (1953)
From Here to Eternity (1953)
[ Donna Reed ]
Thunder in the East (1953)
Julius Caesar (1953)
[ Diana Rigg ]
Young Bess (1953)
[ Jean Simmons ] [ Elaine Stewart ]
Prisoner of Zenda, The (1952)
[ Catherine Schell ] [ Elke Sommer ] [ Lynne Frederick ]
Quo Vadis? (1951)
[ Sophia Loren ] [ Adrienne Corri ] [ Elizabeth Taylor ]
Please Believe Me (1950)
King Solomon's Mines (1950)
[ Sharon Stone ]
Edward, My Son (1949)
Black Narcissus (1947)
[ Jean Simmons ]
If Winter Comes (1947)
[ Janet Leigh ]
Hucksters, The (1947)
I See a Dark Stranger (1946)
Perfect Strangers (1945)
[ Anne Carlisle ]
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (1943)
Day Will Dawn, The (1942)
Major Barbara (1941)
Hatter's Castle (1941)
Penn of Pennsylvania (1941)
Love on the Dole (1941)
Contraband (1940)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Deborah Kerr | 
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