Debra Paget
Birthday: 19 August 1933Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Debra Paget.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
An acting career was always in the cards for Debra Paget (nee
Debralee Griffin) and her siblings, coming from a show biz family
and being the offspring of a "stage mother" anxious to get her kids
into the movies. Paget's sister Teala Loring got her mo vie breaks
in the 1940s, Lisa Gaye was a film and TV star in the '50s and
'60s, and even brother Frank (acting as Ruell Shayne) landed some
film jobs. Paget got a 20th Century-Fox contract at age 14 and her
first role in the film noir "Cry of the City" (1948), her first of
nearly 20 movies at the studios, mostly Westerns, swashbucklers and
period musicals. Every inch (all five-foot-two of her) the
Hollywood star, Paget retired from the screen after marrying a
Chinese millionaire in 1962.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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Haunted Palace, The (1963)
Tales of Terror (1962)
Masnadieri, I (1962)
Most Dangerous Man Alive (1961)
[ Elaine Stewart ]
Why Must I Die? (1960)
Sepolcro dei re, Il (1960)
[ Rosalba Neri ]
Journey to the Lost City (1959)
[ Luciana Paluzzi ]
Indische Grabmal, Das (1959)
Tiger von Eschnapur, Der (1959)
[ Luciana Paluzzi ]
From the Earth to the Moon (1958)
Omar Khayyam (1957)
River's Edge, The (1957)
Love Me Tender (1956)
Last Hunt, The (1956)
[ Joyce Hyser ]
Ten Commandments, The (1956)
[ Anne Baxter ]
Seven Angry Men (1955)
White Feather (1955)
Princess of the Nile (1954)
Gambler from Natchez, The (1954)
Prince Valiant (1954)
[ Katherine Heigl ] [ Jodie Kidd ] [ Joanna Lumley ] [ Janet Leigh ]
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954)
[ Julie Newmar ] [ Jean Simmons ] [ Anne Bancroft ]
Belles on Their Toes (1952)
[ Myrna Loy ]
Stars and Stripes Forever (1952)
Miserables, Les (1952)
[ Alessandra Martines ] [ Uma Thurman ] [ Annie Girardot ] [ Elsa Lanchester ] [ Margot Abascal ] [ Claire Danes ] [ Evelyne Bouix ]
Anne of the Indies (1951)
Bird of Paradise (1951)
Fourteen Hours (1951)
[ Grace Kelly ]
Broken Arrow (1950)
[ Samantha Mathis ]
House of Strangers (1949)
It Happens Every Spring (1949)
Mother Is a Freshman (1949)
[ Loretta Young ]
Cry of the City (1948)
[ Shelley Winters ]
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