Gene Tierney
Birthday: 19 November 1920Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Gene Tierney.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
With prominent cheekbones and the most appealing overbite of her
day, her striking good looks helped propel her to stardom. Her best
known role is the enigmatic murder victim in "Laura". She was also
Oscar nominated for "Leave Her To Heaven". Her acting performances
were few in the 1950s as she battled a troubled emotional life that
included hospitalization and shock treatment for depression.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Daughter of the Mind (Made for TV) (1969)
Pleasure Seekers, The (1964)
[ Carol Lynley ] [ Pamela Tiffin ]
Cuatro noches de la luna llena, Las (1963)
Toys in the Attic (1963)
Advise and Consent (1962)
Left Hand of God, The (1955)
Egyptian, The (1954)
[ Jean Simmons ]
Black Widow (1954)
[ Debra Winger ] [ Mary Woronov ] [ Theresa Russell ]
Never Let Me Go (1953)
Personal Affair (1953)
Plymouth Adventure (1952)
Way of a Gaucho (1952)
Secret of Convict Lake, The (1951)
On the Riviera (1951)
[ Joi Lansing ]
Mating Season, The (1951)
[ Jan Sterling ]
Close to My Heart (1951)
Night and the City (1950)
[ Jessica Lange ]
Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
Whirlpool (1949)
Iron Curtain, The (1948)
That Wonderful Urge (1948)
Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The (1947)
[ Natalie Wood ]
Razor's Edge, The (1946)
[ Catherine Hicks ] [ Anne Baxter ] [ Elsa Lanchester ] [ Theresa Russell ]
Dragonwyck (1946)
[ Jessica Tandy ]
Bell for Adano, A (1945)
Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Laura (1944)
Heaven Can Wait (1943)
[ Dyan Cannon ] [ Julie Christie ]
Rings on Her Fingers (1942)
Thunder Birds (1942)
Son of Fury (1942)
[ Elsa Lanchester ]
China Girl (1942)
[ Annette Haven ]
Belle Starr (1941)
Shanghai Gesture, The (1941)
Sundown (1941)
[ Dorothy Dandridge ]
Tobacco Road (1941)
Hudson's Bay (1940)
Return of Frank James, The (1940)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Gene Tierney | 
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