Kim Richards
Birthday: 19 September 1964Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Kim Richards.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
|  | Movie
Credits Click a movie's title to search for
it at Amazon.com
Escape (1990)
[ Catherine Schell ]
Walt Disney Comedy and Magic Revue, The (1985)
[ Fairuza Balk ] [ Julie Andrews ]
Tuff Turf (1985)
[ Catya Sassoon ]
Meatballs Part II (1984)
[ Misty Rowe ]
Why Us? (Made for TV) (1981)
Kraft Salutes Disneyland's 25th Anniversary (Made for TV) (1980)
[ Judy Norton-Taylor ] [ Annette Funicello ] [ Danielle Brisebois ]
Return from Witch Mountain (1978)
Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (Made for TV) (1978)
[ Martine Beswick ]
James at 15 (Made for TV) (1977)
[ Kate Jackson ] [ Jane Seymour ]
Raid on Entebbe (Made for TV) (1977)
[ Harlee McBride ]
Car, The (1977)
Horrible Honchos, The (Made for TV) (1977)
Whiz Kid and the Carnival Caper, The (Made for TV) (1976)
[ Jaclyn Smith ]
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)
No Deposit, No Return (1976)
Special Delivery (1976)
[ Cybill Shepherd ] [ Sean Young ]
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)
Hog Wild (Made for TV) (1974)
Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton, The (Made for TV) (1974)
[ Rae Dawn Chong ]
Return of the Big Cat (Made for TV) (1974)
Alvin the Magnificent (Made for TV) (1973)
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Made for TV) (1973)
[ Fiordaliso ] [ Fionnula Flanagan ]
Nanny and the Professor and the Phantom of the Circus (1973)
[ Juliet Mills ]
Nanny and the Professor (1972)
[ Juliet Mills ]
Strange Monster of Strawberry Cove, The (1971)
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Kim Richards | 
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