Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu
Birthday: 25 April 1963Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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18 ans après (2001)
Vatel (2000)
[ Uma Thurman ] [ Arielle Dombasle ] [ Marine Delterme ] [ Natacha Koutchoumov ] [ Emilie Ohana ]
Petit Ben (Made for TV) (1999)
[ Jessica Beudaert ]
Jeanne et le loup (Made for TV) (1998)
Voie est libre, La (1998)
TGV (1998)
Mes enfants étrangers (Made for TV) (1998)
Feu sous la glace, Le (Made for TV) (1997)
[ Carole Franck ]
Hercule et Sherlock (1996)
[ Elise Tielrooy ]
Belle verte, La (1996)
[ Marion Cotillard ] [ Claire Keim ]
Vérité est un vilain défaut, La (Made for TV) (1995)
[ Emmanuelle Devos ]
Année Juliette, L' (1995)
[ Carole Richert ] [ Marine Delterme ]
Eroe borghese, Un (1995)
Jefferson in Paris (1995)
[ Greta Scacchi ] [ Valentine Varela ] [ Olivia Bonamy ] [ Gwyneth Paltrow ] [ Laure Marsac ] [ Virginie Desarnauts ] [ Thandie Newton ]
Nez au vent, Le (1995)
Neuf mois (1994)
[ Marie Guillard ] [ Patricia Malvoisin ]
Prix d'une femme, Le (Made for TV) (1993)
Anima divisa in due, Un' (1993)
Coupable d'innocence (1992)
[ Ute Lemper ]
Petits travaux tranquilles (1991)
[ Elli Medeiros ]
Clés du paradis, Les (1991)
[ Isabelle Mergault ]
Natalia (1989)
[ Dominique Blanc ]
Deux Fragonard, Les (1989)
[ Diane Pierens ]
Révolution française, La (1989)
[ Marianne Basler ] [ Dominique Pinon ] [ Jane Seymour ] [ Claudia Cardinale ] [ Gabrielle Lazure ]
Possédés, Les (1988)
[ Isabelle Huppert ]
Camomille (1988)
Dandin (1987)
[ Evelyne Buyle ]
Aria (1987)
[ Lio ] [ Anita Morris ] [ Bridget Fonda ] [ Sandrine Dumas ] [ Elizabeth Hurley ] [ Sophie Ward ] [ Theresa Russell ] [ Linzi Drew ] [ Beverly D'Angelo ] [ Tilda Swinton ]
Flag (1987)
[ Amanda Wyss ]
Trois hommes et un couffin (1985)
[ Marianne Basler ] [ Dominique Lavanant ]
Maison piège, La (Made for TV) (1985)
Neve a Capri (Made for TV) (1984)
Surprise Party (1983)
[ Caroline Cellier ] [ Sandrine Dumas ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu | 
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