Susan George
Birthday: 26 July 1950Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Susan George.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Diana & Me (1997)
[ Serena Gordon ] [ Jerry Hall ] [ Kylie Minogue ]
House That Mary Bought, The (Made for TV) (1995)
Djavolji raj (1989)
Jack the Ripper (Made for TV) (1988)
[ Lysette Anthony ] [ Jane Seymour ]
Lightning, the White Stallion (1986)
Czech Mate (Made for TV) (1984)
[ Catherine Neilson ]
Jigsaw Man, The (1983)
Venom (1982)
[ Cornelia Sharpe ]
Computercide (Made for TV) (1982)
House Where Evil Dwells, The (1982)
Kiss My Grits (1982)
Enter the Ninja (1981)
Tomorrow Never Comes (1978)
Tintorera (1977)
[ Fiona Lewis ]
Small Town in Texas, A (1976)
Mandingo (1975)
[ Brenda Sykes ]
Out of Season (1975)
[ Vanessa Redgrave ]
Mission: Monte Carlo (1974)
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Made for TV) (1973)
[ Susan Hampshire ] [ Diana Dors ] [ Lisa Harrow ]
J. and S. - storia criminale del far west (1972)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Die Screaming, Marianne (1971)
Fright (1971)
[ Honor Blackman ]
Looking Glass War, The (1970)
Sudden Terror (1970)
Spring and Port Wine (1970)
Twinky (1969)
[ Honor Blackman ]
Dracula (Made for TV) (1968)
[ Julieta Ortega ]
Strange Affair, The (1968)
All Neat in Black Stockings (1968)
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
Up the Junction (1967)
[ Suzy Kendall ]
Sorcerers, The (1967)
Cup Fever (1965)
[ Olivia Hussey ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Susan George | 
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