Susan Hampshire
Birthday: 12 May 1938Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Susan Hampshire.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
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Nancherrow (Made for TV) (1999)
[ Joanna Lumley ] [ Senta Berger ] [ Emily Hamilton ]
Coming Home (Made for TV) (1998)
[ Carol Drinkwater ] [ Joanna Lumley ] [ Gruschenka Stevens ]
Bang! (1977)
Story of David, The (Made for TV) (1976)
[ Jane Seymour ]
Kill Two Birds (Made for TV) (1976)
[ Gabrielle Drake ]
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Made for TV) (1973)
[ Susan George ] [ Diana Dors ] [ Lisa Harrow ]
Living Free (1972)
Neither the Sea Nor the Sand (1972)
Peccato mortale (1972)
[ Concha Velasco ]
Baffled! (Made for TV) (1972)
[ Rachel Roberts ]
Fils, Le (1972)
Malpertuis: Histoire d'une maison maudite (1971)
Time for Loving, A (1971)
[ Joanna Shimkus ]
David Copperfield (Made for TV) (1970)
[ Pamela Franklin ] [ Sally Field ] [ Maggie Smith ] [ Cherie Lunghi ] [ Amanda Ryan ] [ Emily Hamilton ]
Ideal Husband, An (Made for TV) (1969)
Monte Carlo or Bust (1969)
[ Mireille Darc ] [ Marie Dubois ]
Violent Enemy, The (1968)
Trygon Factor, The (1966)
Fighting Prince of Donegal, The (1966)
Paris au mois d'août (1965)
Wonderful Life (1964)
Night Must Fall (1964)
Three Lives of Thomasina, The (1964)
During One Night (1961)
Long Shadow, The (1961)
[ Liv Ullmann ]
Expresso Bongo (1960)
Upstairs and Downstairs (1959)
[ Barbara Steele ] [ Claudia Cardinale ]
Woman in the Hall, The (1947)
[ Jean Simmons ]
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Co-Stars Who
have been seen in movies with Susan Hampshire | 
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