Brigitte Fossey
Birthday: 15 June 1946Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Brigitte Fossey.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
This lovely, docile, sensitive-appearing blonde French leading lady
started impressively in films at age 6, making a most notable debut
in 'René Clément' (qv)'s _Forbidden Games (1952)_ (qv). She
abandoned acting a few years later for schooling and a normal
upbringing. After a brief career as an interpreter and translator,
she returned to the cinema as a young adult and met with great
award-worthy success in mostly European movies, including 'Francois
Truffaut' (qv)'s _Man Who Loved Women, The (1977)_ (qv), _Chanel
Solitaire (1981)_ (qv), _Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988)_ (qv), etc.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Passage interdit (Made for TV) (2000)
[ Diane Pierens ]
Bambina di troppo, Una (Made for TV) (1994)
Une femme de passions (Made for TV) (1994)
[ Claudia Gerini ]
Lange Gespräch mit dem Vogel, Das (Made for TV) (1992)
[ Hannelore Elsner ] [ Isolde Barth ]
Un vampire au paradis (1992)
[ Sylvie Jobert ] [ Laure Marsac ]
Enfants du naufrageur, Les (1992)
[ Florence Pernel ]
3615 code Père Noël (1990)
Poslední motýl (1990)
Été de la révolution, L' (Made for TV) (1989)
Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988)
Affaire Caillaux, L' (Made for TV) (1985)
Flügel und Fesseln (1985)
[ Camille Raymond ]
Vivement Truffaut (Made for TV) (1985)
[ Bernadette Lafont ] [ Marie Dubois ] [ Fanny Ardant ] [ Alexandra Stewart ] [ Jeanne Moreau ]
Caso d'incoscienza, Un (Made for TV) (1984)
[ Daniela Poggi ]
Un amour interdit (1984)
[ Agostina Belli ]
Fausses confidences, Les (1984)
Bâtard, Le (1983)
[ Victoria Abril ]
Au nom de tous les miens (1983)
[ Laurence Masliah ]
Scarlatine, La (1983)
Jeune marié, Le (1983)
For Those I Loved (1982)
Boum 2, La (1982)
[ Sandrine Bonnaire ] [ Sophie Marceau ]
Enigma (1982)
[ Kate Winslet ] [ Gabrielle Lazure ]
Imperativ (1982)
[ Leslie Caron ]
Xueiv (1982)
Croque la vie (1981)
[ Carole Laure ]
Chanel Solitaire (1981)
[ Karen Black ] [ Leslie Caron ] [ Virginie Ogouz ] [ Alexandra Stewart ]
Boum, La (1980)
[ Sophie Marceau ] [ Dominique Lavanant ]
Triple muerte del tercer personaje, La (1980)
Un mauvais fils (1980)
Mouton noir, Le (1979)
Quintet (1979)
Affaire Suisse, L' (1978)
Mais où et donc Ornicar (1978)
[ Geraldine Chaplin ]
Gläserne Zelle, Die (1978)
Homme qui aimait les femmes, L' (1977)
[ Nathalie Baye ] [ Leslie Caron ]
Enfants du placard, Les (1977)
Calmos (1976)
[ Dominique Lavanant ]
Pays bleu, Le (1976)
Bon et les méchants, Le (1976)
Guerres civiles en France (1976)
[ Julie Delpy ]
Fleurs du miel, Les (1976)
Chant du départ, Le (1975)
Erica Minor (1974)
Valseuses, Les (1974)
[ Isabelle Huppert ] [ Jeanne Moreau ]
Brigade, La (1974)
Man Who Died Twice, The (Made for TV) (1973)
Ironie du sort, L' (1973)
Raphaël ou le débauché (1971)
'M' comme Mathieu (1970)
[ Bulle Ogier ]
Mio (1970)
Crime et châtiment (Made for TV) (1969)
Adieu l'ami (1968)
[ Olga Georges-Picot ]
Grand Meaulnes, Le (1967)
Happy Road, The (1957)
[ Dorothy Dandridge ]
Corda d'acciaio, La (1953)
Jeux interdits (1952)
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have been seen in movies with Brigitte Fossey | 
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