Sophie Marceau
Birthday: 17 November 1966Below
is a complete filmography (list of movies she's appeared in) for Sophie Marceau.
If you have any corrections or additions, please email us at corrections@spybee.com.
We'd also be interested in any trivia or other information you have. | 
Born Sophie Maupu, 'Sophie Marceau' (qv) grew up far away from
studios spots until her 14th year. Back then, she was living in the
Paris suburbs (Gentilly) and her father was a truck driver. At that
time, she learned from one of her friends that 'Claude Pinoteau'
(qv) (a french movie director) was looking for new faces for a
teenagers movie called _Boum, La (1980)_ (qv). This movie was a
success. She played in _Boum 2, La (1982)_ (qv) then she bought
back her contract with Gaumont when she was sixteen years old for
one milion of french francs. Awards: - Cesar of Best Feminine Hope
for La Boum II in 1983. - Elected Romantic actress for _Chouans!
(1988)_ (qv) at the Festival international du film romantique
(International Festival of Romantic Movie) of Cabourg in 1988. -
Moliere of the Best Theatrical Revelation for Eurydice et Pygmalion
in 1994.
Biography courtesy of the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com).
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Credits Click a movie's title to search for
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Belphégor - Le fantôme du Louvre (2001)
[ Laurence Colussi ] [ Julie Christie ]
Fidélité, La (2000)
Lost & Found (1999)
World Is Not Enough, The (1999)
[ Denise Richards ] [ Judi Dench ] [ Maria Grazia Cucinotta ]
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (1999)
[ Heather Parisi ] [ Michelle Pfeiffer ] [ Lindsay Duncan ] [ Pippa Guard ] [ Anna Friel ] [ Helen Mirren ] [ Calista Flockhart ]
Marquise (1997)
[ Marianne Basler ] [ Romina Mondello ]
Firelight (1997)
[ Sally Dexter ]
Anna Karenina (1997)
[ Maureen O'Sullivan ] [ Mia Kirshner ] [ Greta Garbo ] [ Fiona Shaw ]
Al di là delle nuvole (1995)
[ Chiara Caselli ] [ Fanny Ardant ] [ Jeanne Moreau ]
Braveheart (1995)
[ Catherine McCormack ] [ Jeanne Marine ]
Faire un film pour moi c'est vivre (1995)
[ Fanny Ardant ] [ Jeanne Moreau ]
Fille de d'Artagnan, La (1994)
[ Charlotte Kady ] [ Vanina Delannoy ]
Fanfan (1993)
[ Marine Delterme ]
Note bleue, La (1991)
Pour Sacha (1991)
Pacific Palisades (1990)
[ Toni Basil ] [ Caroline Grimm ]
Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours (1989)
[ Alexandra Kazan ]
Étudiante, L' (1988)
Chouans! (1988)
'Round Midnight (1986)
[ Christine Pascal ] [ Lonette McKee ]
Descente aux enfers (1986)
[ Marie Dubois ]
Amour braque, L' (1985)
[ Pauline Lafont ]
Police (1985)
[ Sandrine Bonnaire ]
Fort Saganne (1984)
Joyeuses Pâques (1984)
Boum 2, La (1982)
[ Sandrine Bonnaire ] [ Brigitte Fossey ]
Boum, La (1980)
[ Brigitte Fossey ] [ Dominique Lavanant ]
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